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The Wheel of Light

Monthly Newsletter - July 2023

This month it’s all about Venus. The first week of July, Venus is conjunct Mars in Leo. These are some of the most artistic and creative energies in the sign of creative expression. The blending of Venus (art, beauty) and Mars (initiation, physicality) can combine to manifest delightful and meaningful works. Leo is also a very playful sign, some of which can manifest romantically. Venus and Mars are also some of the most relational of the planets. Venus brings the feminine aspect in terms of affection and awareness of one’s social behaviors and relationship needs. Mars is more oriented to masculine assertive and sexual aspects. The conjunction between the two provides an opportunity to integrate one’s feminine and masculine qualities so that the entire self can be present. We don’t have to rely on someone else to “complete us” since we can feel that sense of unity within ourselves.

Another reason that this is a Venus time is that it will turn retrograde on the 22nd and stay in that direction until September 3, remaining in Leo the whole time. Whenever a planet is retrograde it’s time to review and reflect on how we are manifesting its energy. Venus can pertain to relationship, art and money, so its time to view those parts of our lives through a different lens. Ultimately this can lead to greater relationship satisfaction, more beauty in our lives and a greater sense of material plane prosperity and security. Work must be done, however, to ensure that the 5-6 weeks of Venus retrograde can lead us to improvements and not mistakes.

One thing to remember is that this is the rarest of the retrogrades. Since it tends to be unfamiliar, it’s best not to make major decisions during this period that can pertain to love, money and beauty. For example, one might like the color purple, but to paint the exterior of the house that color at this time could be a mistake. You might enjoy it every 18 months or so for about 5 weeks (during another Venus retrograde), but the rest of the time it might seem unattractive. So one rule of thumb is no major decisions that involve aesthetics. That is especially true if one is making a major purchase like a work of art of piece of jewelry. This is a great time to review one’s taste and research for the future. It is not a time to act.

The review process can also pertain to your financial situation in general. Especially in these days of inflation, we should be prudent and wise in our expenditures. We could also review how we are generating money. In either case we might notice ways to improve. Again, this is a good time to research and strategize, but not necessarily to act. Once Venus turns direct on September 3, or even better, once it leaves its retrograde shadow on October 8.

The most important issue to address during the retrograde period, however, is relationship, especially since Venus is in the romantic sign of Leo. This is a good time to update what we need in relationship and what we offer. We might become aware of a gap between what we need and what we are getting. Or aware that something we used to offer is not there as much or at all. We could blame other people, especially our partner, for the gaps. In reality this is just us getting in touch with ourselves in present time. Certainly we want relationship fulfillment, but how can we do so at this time?

One thing to keep in mind is to communicate in “I” messages not “you” messages. In order to avoid either criticizing your partner, or friend or relative, by telling them what they are doing wrong, tell them about you. While it might feel more vulnerable to reveal your needs and feelings, it is the truth. Perhaps building more trust between you is something that could improve the relationship. We may also feel a gap between the intense romantic and sexual experiences of early month and a sense of alienation later on. Those are real feelings, but they also reflect this combination of transits.

As we get more proficient in communicating our updated self, we should also be patient with this process. Things might not improve much during the Venus retrograde period. That is a time to get these conversations going, but it may take weeks or months to create a more mutually fulfilling relationship. Remember, you are not the only person in the situation who is being affected by Venus retrograde. The other person is as well, and will no doubt have their own issues and changes they require. Venus is about balance, harmony and equality. During the retrograde period we can also strive to ensure that those qualities in general, as well as specific ones, are being introduced or maintained in the relationship.

AriesAries (March 21-April 20)
Aries: Early month is a time to take advantage of the season by being physically active. Whether engaging in sports, or other type of game, or going hiking, swimming or water skiing, this is a time to play. From mid-month on, focus more on getting things done and refining the techniques you use to do so.

TaurusTaurus (April 21-May 21)
Taurus: Venus is your ruling planet, so both its conjunction to Mars as well as its retrograde has specific significance for you. Growth can come from being willing to make behavioral changes, especially socially. Learning to express your creativity in new ways, or refining old ones, is another way to take advantage of your transits this month.

GeminiGemini (May 22-June 21)
Gemini: This is a time to focus on big picture issues. The potential to see life in new ways, or to see yourself functioning differently is very strong. It’s more about consciousness than manifesting anything concrete. New insights and understanding could, however, lead to some interesting creative manifestations, especially professionally or academically.

CancerCancer (June 22-July 22)
Cancer: The New Moon on the 17th aspects the three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. These energies influence both our consciousness as well as our interaction with the social collective. The New Moon is typically a time to retreat and go within. This month that focus could be especially significant in terms of developing new awareness.

LeoLeo (July 23-August 23)
Leo: This month is truly all about you. There will be as many as 5 planets transiting through Leo this month. Use this energy for all the good Leonine activities from creativity, to partying, to romantic interaction. This is also a good time to enjoy spending time with children. Fundamentally, this is a time to get in touch with the love flowing through you as it could be abundant.

VirgoVirgo (August 24-Sept 22)
Virgo: This month begins a two-month period when you are in high focus. Since you may tend to be modest, this could feel awkward. Growth can come from using that self-focus as a way to be more centered and self-expressive. It’s not about how others perceive you, it’s about how you perceive yourself and establish parameters for both self-development as well as service to others. Your point of view is what matters at this time.

LibraLibra (Sept 23-Oct 23)
Libra: The Venus transits are especially significant for you. Often you make decisions based on others so that your relationship to them remains harmonious. This is a time to prioritize authenticity rather than cooperation. The willingness to be real can lead to greater fulfillment in areas ranging from the artistic to the social.

ScorpioScorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22)
Scorpio: Setbacks and external challenges could set up difficulties, especially in the domestic and/or professional arenas. These situations can help provide clear self-awareness as well as what directions to pursue in order to both resolve the conflicts and grow through the experiences.

SagittariusSagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21)
Sagittarius: Your ruling planet Jupiter is now in the earth sign Taurus. This is a time to get physical. Whether athletically or any type of adventure that takes you outdoors would be a good way to take advantage of the energy. Either taking or planning a trip is another way to benefit from the transits this month.

CapricornCapricorn (Dec 22-Jan 20)
Capricorn: The Full Moon will be in Capricorn on the 3rd. This is a good time to get some clear perspective on where you are in your personal life. Relationships to children, neighbors and relatives could all prove to be positive, joyful experiences, especially when you partake of those situations in a present and positive way.

AquariusAquarius (Jan 21 to Feb 19)
Aquarius: This is a good time to enjoy your primary relationship. If you are not in one, use the energy to enjoy and/or be creative in the arts. Playfulness and romance are both strong for you. However, avoid trying to control a relationship and avoid authority figures who are controlling.

PiscesPisces (Feb 20-March 20)
Pisces: The energies for you this month are very positive. Socially, this could pertain to relatives and neighbors. This is also a good time for financial planning for the future. The most beneficial way to take advantage of the transits this month is by focusing on health. Establishing and maintaining healthy routines can either preserve good or improve poor health.

Rio Olesky has been studying astrology since 1967 and has been a practicing professional astrologer since 1976. The author of Astrology and Consciousness, A Manual for the Modern Mystic, and The Astroreader, Rio offers weekly classes through Zoom. You can call Rio at 707-887-1820. Check out his website:

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